Opening times today
  • 8am - 10pm
  • 8am - 6pm
  • 9am - 10pm
  • 9am - 6pm
  • 9am - 10pm
  • 8am - 9pm
  • 8am - 9pm
Mon 23rd 8am - 10pm
Christmas Eve 8am - 6pm
Weds 18th 9am - 10pm
St. Stephen's Day 9am - 6pm
Fri 20th 9am - 10pm
Sat 21st 8am - 9pm
Sun 22nd 8am - 9pm

* Individual retailer opening times may vary

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New Baby Feeding & Changing Room, level 1 next to Butlers and M&S

You are here:


A brand new Baby Feeding & Changing room has opened on level 1

Our new baby changing & feeding room is open.

We hope you enjoy this calm space designed with love and care. Located on level 1 next to Butlers & M&S.

Additional baby changing and feeding facilities can be found on level 2 opposite H&M.

#blanchardstowncentre #loveblanch #babyfeedingroom #babychangingroom

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